CodeGuru Forums
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Hard hitting articles, dicussions, resources, and more all focusing for real developers in the real world.
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Domain registration date: 29 August 1997
(updated 11 October 2021)
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02 November 2022
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MozRank (Forum's Subdomain): 4.7MozRank (Forum Home Page): 5.13
Inbound Links: 6,042
Inbound Equity Passing Links: 177
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Saki Says...
This forum is one of the oldest forums on the internet. It's a very reliable forum and we have not recorded any downtime issues. This forum uses SSL so you can be more certain that your messages won't be intercepted en route to the forum's server.

Change Logs
Recent updates to the FindAForum listing for CodeGuru Forums:
Activity | Date and Time | Status |
Updated forum's ranking. | 14 September 2023 23:41 | |
Updated forum's related niches. | 10 December 2022 04:56 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 07 October 2022 10:46 | |
Wrote forum's executive summary. | 04 May 2022 04:10 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 19 November 2021 11:33 | |
Updated forum's domain ownership details. | 17 October 2021 18:19 | |
Wrote forum's executive summary. | 10 August 2021 00:53 | |
Updated forum's related blogs. | 07 August 2021 11:28 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 04 August 2021 21:46 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 04 August 2021 21:46 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 04 August 2021 21:46 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 04 August 2021 11:55 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 04 August 2021 11:55 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 04 August 2021 11:55 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 03 August 2021 10:14 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 03 August 2021 10:14 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 03 August 2021 10:14 | |
Updated forum's keywords [no words removed]. | 03 August 2021 03:08 | |
Updated forum's general data. | 03 August 2021 03:08 | |
Updated forum's ranking. | 03 August 2021 03:08 | added to FindAForum 15 October 2013 (Forum #598). Entry last modified 14 September 2023.